Maryland Educators Present!
This year's NAEA Conference is online - the perfect chance to VIRTUALLY engage with presentations by incredible art educators, and art education enthusiasts. For your consideration, here is a list of the amazing presentations by Maryland art educators.
Thursday, 01:00:PM-01:45:PM Arts Amplify Youth! Engaging Youth During Crises of Police Brutality and COVID-19 Presenter(s): Ivonne Chand O'Neal, Dairrick Hodges, Samantha Marcial, & Jerome McClelland Learn from Arts Amplify Youth! leaders methods of engaging youth in arts interventions to increase neighborhood cohesion in times of crisis resulting from COVID-19 and the death of George Floyd. Format: HANDS-ON Demo. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Thursday, 04:00:PM-04:45:PM Maryland Institute of College of Art and Design Presents: Using Design Thinking to Engage With Communities Beyond Your School Presenter(s): Nan Park, Becky Slogeris, & Meghann Harris Use design thinking processes to develop ideas for community-engaged projects. Generate strategies for implementing community-engaged projects with your students, while participating in highly interactive activities including researching, brainstorming, and prototyping. Format: HANDS-ON Demo. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: AICAD Live Learning Lab
Thursday, 08:00:AM-08:45:AM Environmental Stewardship & Art Education: Teacher as Artist & Classroom Applications Presenter(s): Alexandra Garove, Lauren Pellegrini, & Cara Howell This presentation focuses on interdisciplinary connections between art, nature, and environmental stewardship. Personal experiences in creating will be shared by presenters, as well as elementary and secondary classroom applications. Format: INSTRUCTIONAL Practice. Demonstrates student-centered pedagogy, project, or challenge-based instruction supported by research and practice-based evidence. Track: Research
Thursday, 08:00:AM-08:45:AM 5 Stories from the Land of Paper Circuits Presenter(s): Barbara Liedahl & L. Susan Brown Electronic circuits using paper and microcontrollers in the Art classroom? Hear stories from five "neighborhoods" in our Land of Paper Circuits and leave with ideas and resources for your classroom. Format: INSTRUCTIONAL Practice. Demonstrates student-centered pedagogy, project, or challenge-based instruction supported by research and practice-based evidence. (Session Type: On-Demand Session) Track: Art Education Technology Interest Group
Thursday, 08:00:PM-08:45:PM Collaboration Art: Process as Product Presenter(s): Michael Bell, David Modler, Eric Scott, Samuel Peck, & Michael Dodson Artists over centuries have collaborated to inform their process and create unique products together. Explore visual journaling as a vehicle to drive collaboration art, as a process and product. Format: BIG Questions. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Global Connections
Thursday, 08:00:PM-08:45:PM Engaging Young Women Newcomers: Examining Care, Resilience, and Relationships Through Art Journaling Presenter(s): Kate Collins Learn how curricular adaptations made in light of COVID-19 led to a dynamic exploration of art journaling as a collaborative, relational process for meaningfully engaging immigrant and refugee girls. Format: Art\ED Talk. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Womens Caucus Interest Group
Thursday, 08:00:PM-08:45:PM Current Topics and Research in Supervision and Administration Presenter(s): Elizabeth Stuart Whitehead & Lorinda Rice Are you an art supervisor looking to discuss hot topics and research in the field? Join us as we discuss appropriation and copyright, curriculum mapping and planning, integration, and technology. Let's share! Format: DEEP DIVE Research. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Supervision and Administration
Friday, 02:00:PM-02:45:PM Kitchen Table Conversations: Art Educators of Color Mentorship and Networking Presenter(s): Vanessa Lopez, Gloria Wilson, Joni Boyd Acuff, Amelia Kraehe, & B. Stephen Carpenter This is a unique mentoring and networking opportunity for art educators of color seeking a matrix of supports. Presenters discuss career advancement, professional development, and personal growth in teaching, writing, and leadership. Format: DEEP DIVE Research. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Committee on Multiethnic Concerns Interest Group
Friday, 04:00:PM-04:45:PM Community-Based Art Education: A Crossroads of Art, Intergenerational Learning, and Socially Engaged Practice Presenter(s): Margaret Walker, Pamela Lawton, & Melissa Green This interactive presentation will introduce K-16 educators to a community-based framework connecting education institutions with communities and building sustainable partnerships through arts-based intergenerational and transformative learning. Format: INSTRUCTIONAL Practice. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Community Arts Caucus Interest Group
Friday, 05:00:PM-06:50:PM Saints and Sinners: Mixed-Media Abstract Collaboration Art Workshop Presenter(s): Michael Bell & David Modler Are you a Saint or a Sinner? Explore a fun hands-on abstract, mixed-media collaboration art workshop based on tantalizing prompts that encourage authentic creations as rule followers or rule breakers. MATERIALS LIST: • Large sheet of heavyweight paper (tag board, watercolor, Bristol board, or other) • Paints (tempera, acrylics, watercolors, etc.) • Newspaper/magazines for collaging • Glue stick or glue/tape • Charcoal and/or chalk pastels • Sharpie marker or markers Format: STUDIO Workshop. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Choice-Art Educators Interest Group
Friday, 05:00:PM-05:45:PM Four Historical Themes of Whiteness in High Relief Presenter(s): Diane Kuthy This session explores how visual culture shapes the contours of whiteness and buttresses white supremacy in multiple historical and contemporary contexts. Resources shared animate historical themes and social justice issues. Format: Art\ED Talk. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Research
Friday, 07:00:PM-07:45:PM Embracing the Future: Are You Ready for Anything? Presenter(s): Katherine Broadwater, Kelsey Merani, Erica Hamilton, Monica Heiser, & Madeline Holmes Witness nontraditional technology applications (net-art, augmented reality, digital sculpture, and Collage Maker) from four field-tested secondary units by millennial teachers. Enhance engagement and transfer interactive explorations to classrooms with equity and access. Format: SKILLS Toolbox. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Secondary
Friday, 08:00:AM-08:45:AM EdTPA and the Importance of Research Presenter(s): Jinyoung Koh This presentation highlights the importance of research in the art education field and how preservice art teachers can use the shared suggestions to successfully complete their edTPA requirements. Format: Art\ED Talk. Presents a professional paper about questions and findings from timely research studies followed by Q & A. (Session Type: On-Demand Session) Track: Preservice
Saturday, 04:00:PM-04:45:PM Artmaking, Research, and Teaching With/in Community Settings Presenter(s): Pamela Lawton This session presents an overview of CBAE projects in local, international, and virtual environments exploring the benefits of age-integrated art learning experiences centered around big ideas and life themes that matter. Format: Art\ED Talk. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Committee on Lifelong Learning Interest Group
Saturday, 04:00:PM-04:45:PM Visual Journals: Multifaceted Approaches for Application Presenter(s): David Modler, Samuel H. Peck, Eric M. Scott, Michael Dodson, & Michael Bell Artist/Educators for K-12, university and community-based perspectives share how visual journals build a foundation for art students of any age to develop stylistic, conceptual, and contextual choices as art makers. Format: INSTRUCTIONAL Practice. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Committee on Lifelong Learning Interest Group
Saturday, 04:00:PM-04:45:PM Discover Your Own Contemplative Artmaking Practice; Sustain Your Practice Through a Community of Practice Presenter(s): Nan Park, Natalie Drutz, Katie Morris, & Diane Yu Four art educators, middle school through higher education, share how contemplative artmaking practice helped sustain creative practice and each other during uncertain times. Reconsider what a sustainable studio practice, concurrent to teaching, might look like for you. Format: INSTRUCTIONAL Practice. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Caucus on the Spiritual in Art Education Interest Group
Saturday, 04:00:PM-05:20:PM Creating a Working Group for Research on the College Teaching of Art Presenter(s): Stacey Salazar, Daniel Barney, & Mary Hafeli Sponsored by the NAEA Research Commission, this session presents research-based issues and questions pertaining to teaching art in colleges and universities. All interested researchers are welcome to join the group. Format: DEEP DIVE Research. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Research
Saturday, 06:00:PM-07:20:PM Changing the Education Landscape: Research Ideas From the Pandemic to Imagine the Future of Art Education Presenter(s): Elizabeth Stuart Whitehead, David Rufo, & James Rees Join a panel of art educators across the art education spectrum to discuss the evolving landscape of moving from traditional to digital (and somewhere in between) and its influence on teacher preparation, research, and learning. Format: DEEP DIVE Research. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Research
Saturday, 07:00:PM-07:45:PM American Identity: Contextualizing Migration Through Arts Integration Presenter(s): Lindsey Mack How do we contextualize art history in ways relating to today's contemporary issues and our students' experiences? Explore Jacob Lawrence's artwork to deepen cultural understanding through an arts integration lesson. Format: INSTRUCTIONAL Practice. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Secondary
Saturday, 08:00:AM-08:45:AM The Art of Social Distancing: Online Artmaking Workshops for Grandparents in Isolation During the Pandemic Presenter(s): Jessie Nathans, Jessie Nathans, & Benjamin Tellie In response to the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine, two art educators created a workshop for their grandparent community. Leave knowing how to program, do outreach, and make reflective art about pandemic isolation. Format: INSTRUCTIONAL Practice. Demonstrates student-centered pedagogy, project, or challenge-based instruction supported by research and practice-based evidence. (Session Type: On-Demand Session) Track: Community Arts Caucus Interest Group
Sunday, 01:00:PM-01:45:PM Examining the Liminality of Socially Engaged Arts: Prioritizing oth Learning and Well-Being With Refugee Youth Presenter(s): Kate Collins Explore the liminality of socially engaged arts, which allows a collaborative arts partnership between educators and refugee youth to become a generative space of knowledge creation, fostering learning and well-being. Format: Art\ED Talk. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Community Arts Caucus Interest Group
Sunday, 01:00:PM-02:50:PM Showing Up for the Process! Experiential Play through the Complication of the TASK Presenter(s): David Modler, Samuel H. Peck, Michael Dodson, & Eric M. Scott Designed with the mischief and mayhem of Oliver Herring’s TASK Parties, this workshop creates a space that will challenge participants to explore a collaborative, improvisational art-related activity. MATERIALS LIST: • Plenty of cardboard • A wide-open attitude • Scissors • A mischievous nature • Utility knife • A curiosity for mayhem • Masking tape • A collaborative spirit • Cutting mat • An inquiring mind • 4 sq. ft. of workspace, or more Format: STUDIO Workshop. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education Interest Group
Sunday, 11:00:AM-11:45:AM Choice Art Educators Meet & Greet Presenter(s): Michelle Puhl Price, Julie Jacobusse, & Cynthia Gaub Come hang out and meet some fantastic choice educators! We will introduce our new leadership and discuss current trends and issues relevant to the choice classroom. Everyone will leave this workshop with new connections, insight, and inspiration. Prizes galore! Format: BIG Questions. (Session Type: Live Meeting Session) Track: Choice-Art Educators Interest Group
Blog image created by Katherine Hess.