Meet Ups are an opportunity to connect with colleagues, learn best practices, and enhance your professional development through the different special areas our organization represents. The format of each event will vary from in-person gatherings to online conversations, workshops, artist talks will take place the first week of each month. Follow us on Social Media for details
Each Meet Up will have a different division or region focus.
Join us for all or just the areas that interest you:
August- Pre Service
September 9th- Elementary Level (In Person) @ R-House
October- Region 4 - Art in the Park @ Chesapeake Art Center
November- Middle Level - Coding/Game Making (Virtual)
December- Region 2 - Sock Creatures @ American Visionary Art Museum
January- Secondary/NAHS - AI in the Art Room (Virtual) Recording, Slide Deck
February- Region 3 - Pottery Patch in Dunkirk, MD Friday Feb. 16th 5pm -7pm
March- Higher Ed
April- Region 1
May- Retired
June- Museum
July- Supervision & Administration